Issue Press release : A Complete Beginner’s Guide

Press Release Services
5 min readDec 31, 2022

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Issue Press Releases

If you’re a journalist, writer or public relations professional, I bet you’ve heard the word “press release” at some point in your career. But how do you write one? What is the best format for an issue press release? And how should it be presented? Today we’ll answer these questions and more. In this guide, we’ll help you craft a well-written and formatted press release that will help get your message out quickly.

The components of a press release

A press release is a short announcement with information about your company, product or service. It’s a great way to kick off your marketing campaign and get people talking about what you do.

The components of a news wires include:

  • Headline (optional) — The headline is the first thing that readers see when they read the release. It should be short and catchy, but not so short it annoys them! If you’re using an image or video in your release, make sure it fits within this space.
  • Dateline — This line tells readers when the story was published and where it took place (for example: “The New York Times ran this on Monday”). You can also use this space for attributing sources if necessary — just remember not to overdo it!
  • Body text — This is where all of the meaty stuff happens in terms of facts about yourself or your company; here’s where we’ll go over what makes up good body text for our purposes here today…

How to write a press release

The inverted pyramid style is a great way to write press releases. It’s simple, direct and easy to understand.

Here are some tips for writing an effective pr business:

  • Use short sentences with simple words and no jargon. This will make your writing clear and concise without being boring or confusing people who don’t know what you’re talking about (like journalists).
  • Don’t use contractions like “I am”, “we did” or “they said”. Contractions can be tricky because they don’t always sound right in written form — especially when used in the wrong place! A good rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t say it out loud then don’t use it on paper either; this includes words like “you”, “your” etc., so avoid them at all costs!
  • Avoid buzzwords too; these are used by PR agencies because they sound sophisticated but actually mean nothing at all! Instead stick with common sense explanations such as “I was born in New York City” instead of saying something along those lines.”

Press release formatting and presentation tips

When it comes to formatting and presentation, you should make sure your 24–7 press release is clear and concise. A good rule of thumb for most types of writing is that you should use short sentences and paragraphs, with each sentence being no longer than two or three lines of text. This will help keep the reader’s attention on what they’re reading rather than being bogged down by unnecessary detail or wordiness.

When it comes to writing tone, be sure that you’re using an active voice (you) instead of passive voice (it was done). The active voice sounds more confident than its passive counterpart; it also makes it easier for people who aren’t familiar with the subject matter to understand exactly how something works without having any prior knowledge about its inner workings at all!

When choosing words in your press release, try avoiding using too many complex phrases as well as long ones unless absolutely necessary — this will keep things simple while still conveying information clearly enough so that readers can understand what’s going on without getting lost along the way.”

Summary of the best practices for issue press releases

  • Use a headline that grabs attention
  • Start your business news today with an engaging first paragraph. You want to hook your audience in and set the tone for what they’re going to read.
  • Include key talking points within the body of the text and make sure these are relevant to your audience. The goal here is not simply to share information but also provide context for it, so make sure you include any relevant background information or context around why this issue is important for you as well as how you plan on addressing it through your work/product(s). This will help readers understand why you should care about their particular problem/issue, which will hopefully increase engagement levels among those who have similar interests or goals in mind when reading through messages like these!
  • Add contact information at the end of each release — this makes sure everyone knows who else might be interested in learning more about what happened too since there may not always be enough space left after all those words get typed out.”

A well-written and formatted press release will help you get your message out quickly.

A press release is a short, written communication that is used to promote a company or product. This can be done by journalists, bloggers and other members of the media who want to draw attention to your business or event.

The primary purpose of a press release sites is to inform readers about what you have done, how it relates to their interests and why they should care about it. The information should be concise but informative enough for them to understand what’s going on in relation to their area of interest.

If you’ve ever seen an article online then chances are there was some type of mention somewhere within those words — whether it was direct quotes from someone working at the organisation involved (such as “the CEO says”) or just general information shared between multiple sources like “the company has recently expanded its operations”.


Following these guidelines can help you create a well-formatted press release that will be effective for your readers.

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